
the 5 years ago version.

your welcome.
mags (there are 3 for you)

for those who don't watch the mtv-allie stockton from newport beach, the real oc. it was uncanny. i drove seth nuts asking him to watch and tell me if he thought she looked like mags.
i can't find this one but it is another mtv is the contestant "lauren" from "the search for elle woods". abby
agrees with this one.

maybe it is because your husband is so much like tom. i get them confused all the time. their personalities are so much alike.

identical twins.

(she's tom cruise's wife in mission impossible 3)
the spirited 6

she's even wearing your outfit!



everytime i watch the hills i feel like katie has a secret life. i'm telling sean about brody. enough lies!

i am glad you have better taste in husbands :) seal is talented, but seriously?

will you please do your hair like this for the big parade on the 24th?
california roneys'


i should just put a picture of you because you are a famous actress...
seth-he didn't comment, but he SHOULD!

thank you. sorry that i published before i was finished those of you with google reader....
wowsers, thanks! I totally look like Cameron (especially in the body area- oh, cept my legs are way longer and skinnier)- get that all the time- yeah right...but, I'll take it. I'll own that right up!
you beautiful flower you!
uh, if only....
and wow, we haven't seen you guys in a while but Seth is hot!
I loved this post and I loved your last one. Your blog is one of my top favorites. You always have such fun stuff to read and look at. I love it! :)
Sean already knows about Brody. He's cool with it.
Well, there's this billboard somewhere between my house and Provo, I don't even know what it is for, but every time I drive past it i think it is you at first. When you really look, it doesn't look too much like you, but at first glance it fools me every time. Next time I drive by I will remember where it is and what it's for so you can look at it.
I'll definitely take Nicole Kidman. And I was totally thinking about how you resemble an actress the other day, but now I can't remember who it is. I'm now going to spend the next few days racking my brain for that person's name... or what I saw them in... and I agree that Seth totally resembles Mark Wahlberg. I'm glad that Power 90 thing is working out for him so well!
that billboard is for University Mall and you ARE TWINNERS with the beautiful girl on it!!! I too, believe it's you every time and still do a double take- even though I drive by like every other day!!!
you are my personal warm fuzzy. I did one of the celebrity look alik thingys once and it said I looked like laurence olivier or some old guy actor. Yah, I'm not posting that. I've always thought Seth had more of a Jake Gyllenhal plus Mike Myers thing goin' on. It might must be starving for air we always do when he's around. So funny!
PS You are so Kate Hudsonish.
Wow, I'm SO hot. I think you said that was 5 years ago and let me tell you, a lot has changed since then. And Seth totally got hotter - is he an underwear model turned actor?
My celebrity look-alike would probably be a hybrid of Jack Osborne, and Batman. Jack for the looks, and Batman for all the amazing skills.
you are hilarious! miss you.
Dang! I knew I should have posted on your last blog! Now I really missed out! You definitely pinned Seth right! We are coming for the UCLA BYU game in September. Where will you be?
wow, seth is hot...he'd be hotter if he would ever return my phone calls and emails...
I just found your blog. So fun. I actually took the time to read ALL of it (can't sleep, very prego). You're kids are adorable and I'm excited to follow your posts and see what's up with you guys! Miss you tons... we should do lunch!
I AM hot... "come on, come on... feel it, feel it, feel the vibration"... also, I don't remember the Bob Marley tatoo... oh, wait that is a tatoo of Medusa from Clash of the Titans... that one I remember.
That was really fun and creative. If I looked like Meg ryan (yes pre surgery) I would be a happy person! Not that I am not happy. But come on, she is amazing! Okay, I want to do one for you. Reese Witherspoon?
Thanks girl. I will make sure to wear that at my next party.
You are awesome...
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