I would just like to express my thanks for President Gordon B. Hinckley. I am selfishly sad that he has passed away. I know that he is so excited to be reunited with loved ones, particularly his beautiful wife. He was/is MY prophet. I grew up hearing my mom say this about President McKay and never quite understood until now. He was the Prophet of my crazy teenage days whose voice was one of the only that could penetrate my hard, cynical heart. He was the Prophet with a great sense of humor that made me feel okay about having one myself. He was the Prophet who signed my husband's mission call. He was the prophet whose words I craved each conference. He was the Prophet that even though I never met him I know that he loved and cared for me and my family. He was the Prophet who felt inspired to build a little Temple in the little town of Monticello, Utah for my Grandma to work in. He was the Prophet who declared a Temple spot just down the street from my house. He had such a simple way of expressing himself. A true English major he could write sermons to touch all. I had a Temple recommend interview today and had the experience to state that I KNOW he is a Prophet of God. Thank you for your life and example. All of my love....
Ben just came and told me to come and read your blog. You stated exactly how the two of us have been feeling. Do you mind if I put a link to this on my blog? If you do, don't hesitate to say no. You write beautifully.
Thanks Melissa....you can for sure put a link on your blog. :)
I read your tribute yesterday, and of all the blogs I have seen (5 or 6) yours the one that inspired me the most. Not to cheesy or sappy, just honest. You captured what a lot of people were struggling to say. Bill would benefit from your talent.(Don't tell buckley I said that)
Everything you write is interesting and funny and well versed. It must be all those papers grandma reads everyday rubbing off on you. I swear it's in the genes, I love to read that paper cover to cover.
Thanks, Angie.
ps Who do we now in Rochester NY? I keep getting a visit on my blog from someone there. They are visiting yours and haleys pages too. Any ideas?
I mean who do we know. i really can spell.
Hey Kings,
We found your blog from Shane and Megans. It will be fun to keep in touch! We love to see how everyone is doing.
thank you for sharing your testimony! He will be dearly missed by all of us!
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