today all of seth's dreams came true when for career day carson decided he wanted to be a professional baseball player (for the cubs of course). carson dressed up and you could tell that he felt so cool in his authentic uniform (or as my mom would say "costume" :). i have to admit that i am really proud of seth because he has never "forced" baseball on carson. this has been a silent worry for me from the day we found out we were having a boy. i was worried that seth would put a baseball in his hand the day he was born and so on....seth has been great at letting carson decide what he likes even though i know he has had some hard moments as carson would play dinosaurs or with stuffed animals instead of playing catch but now as carson is older and choosing on his own to like sports it is great.....
isabella chose to be a "broadway star". "oh boy" is all i have to say. i love her boots, or should i say my boots...this is you natalie. :) i haven't pushed theater/performing on bella by choice and it still happens...she loves it. i love to watch her dance...i cry every time, i don't know if it is because i am just inspired by her movement or if it is that i know she will have some tough choices to make in the future....
and in completely unrelated news go see "the curious case of benjamin button". never has a movie been so inspiring to me. absolutely beautiful movie (and not just because of forever crush brad pitt). so many many lessons...breathtaking cinematography, off the hook special effects, great movie of the year. i know a lot of critics have been really cynical about this film and i don't know why. it was brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.....favorite quote:
"For what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case too early - to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit; stop whenever you want. You can change, or stay the same - there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."

I have the same worry about baseball with our son... Danny didn't play professional like your hubbie, but he's a baseball junkie.
And you settled it - we are seeing Curious Case ASAP!
Love you guys-suite
PS. Hope the pregnancy's going well.
oooh boy. ooooh BOY. that's all i have to say. look out,mama ang!!!
come visit! i'm bored out of my gourd.
How adorable! They look so cute in those outfits!!
i'm glad to here you reccommend benjamin, i've been curious. so yer kids are super talented, any playwrites?
Great movie, great quote, adorable kids!
That is so cute about your kids. Is Benjamin Button also a book? I think it is called something different. That would be interesting to read. I
ll have to check out the movie.
what cute kids! and congrats on baby #4! Wow! I'm excited for you guys.
Love your family picture!
I love all the goals you have set. Glad to see that other people have to set goals to keep on track. So, you must be having your "find out" ultrasound pretty soon here. I'm excited to see what you are having! Love the kids outfits! They look so darling! So fun to have Mini-me's huh?
So are you saying that it is bad that my son WILL play baseball, no questions asked!!! :)
Anyway, I coached Grace in t-ball last year and it was such a blast!
Congrats on baby #4, that is great!
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