Wednesday, February 20, 2008

4 random unrelated facts

1. Fact: I am hot. Our community had a prom (Do I live in Monticello? No I don't. I heart Daybreak) for the adults and because Seth was out of town and I couldn't embarrass him I dressed up in my 80's gear and danced the night away with some friends. Seth was freaking out when he saw the pictures because he thinks I look like his mom in them. PS please note that I had my hair done yesterday and no longer have ten inches of regrowth.

2. Fact: "She's the Man" is one of the best movies ever made. I could watch this movie everyday and laugh my head off everytime. You know it bro'.

3. Fact: Matthew Mcconaughey needs to recognize his age and GROW UP! When asked about his girlfriend who is pregnant with his child he said, "I'm so stoked". Seriously? Stoked? He might as well have said, "That is so rad I'm going to get on my tubular surf board now and pretend I am a teenager on Newport Harbor." Is that the best you can do? I would have been more impressed with a "what, she's pregnant?" kidding...kind of. Also here is a link to Matt Damon doing a funny impression of Matthew M.

4. Fact: The strike is over!!!! I have missed my tv friends so much!


meg said...

You are so funny! I miss you! I, too, am so glad the strike is over.

Scott and Haley said...

Ang, I love your blogs, they always give me a good chuckle, and I agree with every word you say!

Scott and Haley said...

By-the-way I love the 80's dress!

heidi said...

I love your bangs! I think you look like my mom, too. :)

Kindra said...

I love the movie "She's the Man" I laughed my head off when I watched it. I am totally in the mood to go and rent it!

jenn said...

What! Seriously? The strike is over? I need to watch the news! So exciting! I say Matthew M. can say whatever he wants with abs like that.

Haguewood Family said...

Nice post! You just say it like it is! BTW-notice the tag and thank Megan.

Treidi said...

hmmmm. I think Angie has a crush on Channing Tatum.

When are you and Seth going to see Step Up 2?

lramey said...

ah, i love it when you post! They're the funniest!

The prom picture didn't work and I'm dying to see it! I'm so jealous you had one!!! I think I heart daybreak too!

not such a fan of Amanda Bynes-only in Hairspray do I love her- I couldn't watch She's the Man the whole way through- are we in a fight?

And, I HEART Matthew, so I'm sorry, but I'm just going to have to forgive the immaturity and move on to the things that matter- like his dimples, and body!

and ditto to the strike- too bad they ruined 24 though- well, kinda too bad, guess i'm not missing it too much

loves, lisa

martha corinna said...

I think Daybreak is hot.
And I think Matt M. needs to grow up in more ways then one. Of course, I am old and pregnant.

mags said...

I think you have a little crush on Matt Damon! I saw that impression he did on Letterman. Dave always makes fun of him on the show. pretty funny!

mags said...

ps now you can see more 30 rock!

Haguewood Family said...

You know what is funny, the picture with the 80's pic didn't show up the first time I looked at it so I was trying to decide which person in the other 3 pics was you...I decided I couldn't remember what you looked like or something.

lramey said...

yes'm, i could hang with him. If i just acted like i'm 15 we'd totally get along!

Megan said...

You totally look like Janice in that picture. In a good way.

Hailey said...

You ARE hot! Also, a sweet little bird at the dance studio named Bella told me that you happened to be playing Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz? How awesome is that?

Anonymous said...

i'll take you to any dance with me lookin' like that when your husband is away.

Marc said...

1) You are hot

2) Err.... I'm not sure I want to ask what else is in your "top ten"

3) I agree that McConaughey needs to grow up (his BFF moments with Lance Armstrong a year ago were nauseating... and thoughts of him getting cited for playing the bongos naked while doped up likewise make me sick)... but because he said "stoked"?! I'm pretty sure I said I was stoked that Melbo was prego somewhere along the line. Or is it considered grown-up when you say it while married?

mags said...

Ang! I tagged you, don't hate me now. I desperately need an Angie post.