I just thought I would list a few words that are out of style. It is my goal to use these words as often as possible to see if I am a trend setter. Add to the list if you desire:
1.Fine. "Brad Pitt is so fine!"
2.Boss. "That motorcycle is boss."
3.The Bomb. "BYU is the bomb."
4.Check ya. "Check ya later."
5.Out. "Come on Seth, we're out." (As in "let's leave")
6.Peeps. "I totally know her, she is one of my peeps."
7."Let's roll". "Get the keys, let's roll on outta here."
8."Gag me with a spoon"
9."You got it dude". (It just isn't funny anymore, making fun of those Olsen gals).
10."Cut it out" (with actions)
So the last two are totally Full House knock offs. I have come to realize that Full House has gone full circle. It was funny to say those phrases to make fun of the show but now it is played out. Anyway, I'm out. Check ya later peeps.
One more thing, I officially deem, "Stop this rhyming now I mean it, anybody want a peanut" lame and out of style. It is not funny anymore.