Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"the mother of all workouts"

so i have been doing p90x. it has been great. i have been posting on facebook when i complete the day and although i am sure it is annoying to some people it really helps me feel accountable for the workout. i have had a lot of people ask me about the results. to be completely candid i haven't lost one single pound-i have about 36 days to go so we will see what the final result is. as far as being disappointed, i am not. i feel so much better. i have never been very good at working out, but now the days that i miss or don't have a very good workout i feel yucky. seth and i have also decided to start running together so for the past week we have been running up to the lake and back (about 3 miles). it is nice to start somewhere is all i will say about that. each day we run i feel stronger and better and look forward to having it be "cake". i know there will be chuckles at this but turning 30 and having my fourth baby really waged war on my body. it is crazy how fast your metabolism can slow down. but as i look at my stretch marks and imperfect body i don't see ugly i see "war wounds" (as my cousin maggie calls them). i see isabella, carson, sophia, and nolan-and i'm grateful.


Melissa said...

I'm impressed! I try to squeeze in working out every day but I would love to be able to really focus on it for a little while. For me it was the 30's and baby #3 :)

Katie said...

I'm thinking of doing P90X... thanks for the motivation. I totally hear what you are saying... I swear the day I turned 30 my entire metabolism changed on me. ANs I love my war wounds too!

Suzette Willmore said...

thanks ang - i needed to hear that. we are so lucky to be moms to the cutest kids ever!!!

heidi said...

Great job, Angie! I'm with you - I love my war wounds. The world would be a much healthier place if we all thought like you.

embeins said...

Good for you! I think that's so awesome. I feel the same way about being 30 and having a new baby. My body is hating it!!

JustAGirl said...

I especially like to point to my stretch marks and smaller boobs and say to Addy "you did this to me!" It's the loving mother in me I guess.