Tuesday, January 19, 2010

good times.

"good times" (think of it said like molly shanon on snl) is a phrase that i will forever love and use. its just a great, general way of saying something...filling the space. if there is ever a dull moment i know i can just say "good times" and get a laugh or two (at least on from myself). so here are of few of the good times going on with me:

private blog
everyone knows i was anti but when a friend informed me that she had a stalker coming from my blog and then she noticed he (of course its a male :) was on my blog first and for a long time, i was officially creeped out. i know that we are all guilty of stalking blogs...watching the former cheerleader from high school's blog b/c maybe she got fat or miserable, yadda, yadda, yadda...just kidding on that one, who's creepy now? no seriously, there is not a single cheerleader from my high school who was bratty. in fact many of them were my friends and some of the nicest people i know. :) back to the point, i thought it would be better to just go exclusive. so if you are reading this your self-esteem just went up a few notches you are officially "backstage" or "vip"....

my kids are growing up so fast
nolan...my baby...just got his first 2 teeth!! time is moving so fast and i feel like i am going crazy trying to keep up. i am going to be posting more about the fam fam so please understand i'm not trying to brag, my kids are just awesome. don't get depressed when you read about us, we're just so seriously blessed. :)

tv is pretty much my social life so i'm going to just give a little recap of shows i love. old friends on tv and new ones i have made:
modern family- by far my favorite new show. its so refreshing. seth and i have learned that no family is perfect and it is nice watching lovable disfunction.
the bach-holy funny. i love the cat fights, crazies and everything in between. i do worry that i need to repent for hating vienna so bad.
parks and rec-this show has really grown on me. so proud of amy. ( i don't have to add her last name b/c we're friends like that)
glee-love. the writing is kind of weird but i love watching a show that makes me feel like i was pretty awesome in high school :)
mad men-still keeps me thinking. i think betty's new love is going to be a mess.
there are so many more but those would be my official tv bff's for now.

well mom, thanks for reading my blog....
merry january from the king fam.


Wifey said...

I want to see Nolan two teeth

Brett and Shireen Olsen said...

I love your blog and am glad that I am still allowed to stalk it. Creepy blog stalkers (we had one too, so we went private as well).

Good times.

I can't believe how big your kids are.

And I miss you. I never laugh harder than when I am with you and Seth. When are you flying out to see me?

Jared and Niki said...

I love your family picture, you should make it bigger. Okay, it's good to hear an update from your fam. I have been thinking about going private I just need to do it. I have 2 followers that I have no clue who they are. Anyway, love you and hope you are doing well. Ditto on modern family, we LOVE that show! Last week was kind of lame, but it's a great show. K bye I should have just emailed you. This is the longest comment i have ever left. good times......