Sunday, August 23, 2009


dear readers,
i mean this in the most unsacrelgious way but i just have to say it: Dieter Uchtdorf is a stunning man. its not like i am day dreaming of him all day but let the record state that i do think he is handsome. when he walked into the room for the dedication my head said, "If I were a 50 + lds single i would have a crush." please don't think i'm weird.
the end.
much love.


Seth said...

I can't blame you, he is German... a graceful, intelligent, smooth German. You are just like your mother...she too has a thing for those Northern European men. She told me herself, which was... uncomfortable.

Denise said...

I'm with you Ang.

Lisa Carson said...

Hey sweetie!!! So Mac and I are coming to Salt Lake!!!! We get in on Sep 4 and leave the 7th; I cant to see all your beautiful children and you and Seth of course:-) I will call you ya xoxo

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

I should be in bed... instead I'm catching up on your blog and laughing in the kitchen because again (I should be in bed.)

I am trying not to laugh too hard; but ask Seth, when I get going, it's a little out of control...

So glad we're friends. I love that you are making comments about GA's 'appeal.'

But I should point out you'll need to repent for being so... well... you know...

I'll put your name on the prayer roll...

Anonymous said...

Uh I will admit I have had similar thoughts!

Marilyn Lewis said...

I'm with you Angie! He is so handsome. I've met him a couple of times (his daughter is married to George's cousin) and he is personable as well as good looking! Is it proper to call a General Authority dreamy!
In case you don't recognize my name, I'm your Dad's cousin from Arkansas. And I am 50 something!!!!

Eleyna Julia said...

Thank you for having the guts to confess. I totally agree!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one out there thinking along those lines.

tris said...

sorry ang...a little you though.

Wifey said...

Yeah, he is cute.

SeeCampbell said...

Angie, Angie, Angie. Leave it to you to always say what's on your mind. You always make me chuckle!

LB said...

I agreed with you when I first read this - now after conference even more :)