(should i make this my profile pic? i think abby and i look hot. and that's the point of the profile picture, right?)
my name is angie king and i joined facebook 6 months ago. is it weird that i am kind of embarrassed about that? is "facebook" just a euphemism of "myspace"? when people ask me about facebook i say that it is the classy version of myspace, at least it makes me feel better inside. i say i joined because i wanted to stalk my brother and sisters. sam was dating some girl at the time and my mom wanted to spy on them by reading their "walls". a wall (for you non-facebookers) is on your home page and people write witty comments to you. it kind is obnoxious sometimes as it reminds of when people talk really loud on their cell phones in public places so you know how funny/cool their life is....for example: "I haven't seen you since High School? How's life? My husband is a Lawyer now and we just bought our first home, took our kids to Disneyland, and after went straight to Hawaii, we are busy!" the wall seems either braggy or just tons of inside jokes between people BUT like graffiti on a "wall" it is amazingly fun to read what people say to each other. seth joined soon after me and a competition to see who has the most friends began. i would like to announce that i am winning! i have 10 more friends than seth. take that husband! i am more popular than you! facebook proves it! the feature that most confuses me is the "poke" feature. you can "poke" any of your friends. what the hell does that mean? i don't know about you guys but i saw the musical les miserables when i was 12 and that word is used and i had a long and uncomfortable talk with my parents about it. let's hope the young kids now days don't know the "les mis" meaning. overall facebook has been a fun experience. i have reconnected with lots of high school friends and get to see how they are doing on a daily basis...on everyone's profile it will say "Angie______" and you fill in the blank with something like, "Angie is so happy she finished 3 loads of laundry!" that might not be the coolest thing to say but its just an example. I love it when people say, "Jane is really needing to loose 10 pounds!" then "jane" gets lots of notes on her wall telling her how skinny she is. it is a great thing to do if you need to boost your self-esteem. my favorite facebook moment however though was receiving a personal message (not on my wall) from a friend i hadn't talked to in awhile telling me she didn't want to be my friend anymore because i am not very supportive. i wrote her an apology and haven't heard back...does that mean she isn't my friend anymore? should i take her off my friend list? i am still on hers...oh what to do? facebook drama begins. angie is thinking she didn't sign up for this.
ps the synder family (travis) wrote a great post about profile pictures about a year ago...i would link to it but lack the skills.
pps is my new name to cheesy?