Some may think my life is boring. Besides moonlighting at Pottery Barn a few times a week, I am a stay-at-home mom. My days are filled with snacks, crafting, diapers, naps (not for me, I wish), the park, the pool, the library, yadda, yadda, yadda.....but the other day as I was sitting by my son Carson (4) building sandcastles at the beach I realized that I live the good life. Seriously, what working person out there wouldn't want to trade my days of rewarding activities with kids for their long stressful days at the paper shuffling factory? True, I might have to deal with a tantrum now and then but I get to eat lunch at Costco and take as long as I want. There is no 1 hour lunch break for me. The whole day can be a lunch break if I choose. I am not trying to downplay to role of motherhood by any means but my life is great.
Welcome to the club
You've been blogrolled by the way
I couldn't agree more. We do live a charmed life staying home with our kids!
Costco lunch is the freaking best! A polish and a soda for $1.50?!! Are you serious? And if you're really hungry throw in a huge slice of pizza for $2.00 and you've got a heckuva meal! God bless Costco... don't get me started on their rotisserie chicken, my goodness.
BA, BA, BA, you're missing the boat my friend. You don't need to BUY your lunch at Costco... Just bounce around to all the sample stations and you're set.
How soon after you clicked on the "Publish" button did Marc find your blog and comment? Just curious...
I actually had my first Costco dog the other day, it was "ok", no J-Dog's, that is for sure.
TFB - I got a PERSONAL emailed notification from Ms. Blonde Mama herself, thank you very much.
Costco is great but nothing is as good as nachOfast.
I can't wait until that is my life. I think that stay at home moms have it pretty darn good. Rewarding job that keeps you motivated and constant encouragement. I used to feel stupid when people asked about career aspirations and I just wanted to be a stay at home mom. But you are right. THEY only wish they could have the never ending lunch break.
So true, Seth always tells me how he will do whatever it takes for me to go back to school, but that sounds so crappy. I like my polish dog thank you.
Hey BA... how 'bout you get on the freaking ball so McDreamy can stay at home?!
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